Produced by Simya Dickson, Ilana Gersten and Maria Bonnemaison

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico ⏤ Puerto Rico has suffered greatly in recent years from twin hurricanes and a bankruptcy to electrical grid failures and earthquakes that continue to plague the island. Yet, the people persevere with great pride and dignity. Here you will find three stories that showcase that. In the first segment, Simya Dickson explores what some on the island call “the blue flu,” which is an exodus of police officers to the mainland U.S. in search of better pay and retirement benefits. Next, Ilana Gersten brings us into the glamorous world of pageants in Puerto Rico, which is known for producing beauty queens for all the world’s top competitions. The third segment features Maria Bonnemaison explaining the festive culture of chinchorreo, which is a celebration of food and community. Together, these stories allow us to focus on three vital parts of Puerto Rican culture and tradition, and to hear from the people themselves about what makes the Island of Enchantment so special.